Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

Real Stories

  • “Carry On”

    “Carry On”

    “Carry on!” That’s Mark’s trademark phrase. It means, “We’re on the same page. We’ve got a plan. Something good is in the works.” As our dorm supervisor, it often comes out as a word of hope after stopping to pray with and encourage someone who’s struggling after-hours in the dorms. Mark isn’t unfamiliar with…

  • Meet Moses

    If you’ve visited one of our thrift shops in the past couple years, chances are you’ve met Moses. Moses came to the Mission in October of 2017, just a few days after his father passed away in his arms. His wife had died of an illness several years before that. Unable to sustain the…

  • Jerry’s Story: An Update

    Jerry wants to thank everyone for their prayers! He has some good news to share. A little over a week ago, we shared that Jerry had been excitedly apartment hunting, enjoying his work as an upholsterer, and getting ready to graduate from the Mission and move into his own place when it all fell…

  • Breaking Bread

    Food is necessary for survival. But good food, when shared in community around a common table, is life giving. We have the joy of witnessing this reality often. Meal times are a highlight at the Mission. We serve three all-you-can-eat, high-quality meals every single day. Men laboring hard to rebuild their lives find friendship,…

  • Gifts that Keep Giving

    Gifts that Keep Giving

    The day after Christmas, one resident shared that he selected little journals and pens for his kids as stocking-stuffers at our toy giveaway to go along with the bigger toys he picked. After the kids unwrapped their presents Christmas morning in the company of their dad, they wrote in their journals. He happened to…

  • Starting out on the right foot

    Starting out on the right foot

    All of the men enrolled in the Mission’s New Life Program are working VERY hard. In the Foundations Phase of the New Life Program (the first three months), between classes, tutoring, counseling, homework, D&A recovery meetings, and hands-on workforce development opportunities, each man is involved in about 50-54 hours each week of programmed activity.…

  • Learning Program Highlights

     A word from our students Mike: I love the Learning Program. My typing speed has improved from 30 characters per minute to 71, and I’m getting all A’s and B’s in my classes. I got my GED in 1994 but it’s been years since I’ve been in school. This is encouraging me to go on…

  • Crisis Averted ~ Kevin’s Story

    Crisis Averted ~ Kevin’s Story

    Crisis — that moment you’re sure life is over and there is no hope. For New Life Program resident Kevin Wayns, his crisis was becoming homeless. He had been working two full-time jobs, living at home, and was spending all of his money on himself and his pleasures. Then suddenly, for the first time in his…

  • Hantz’s Story

    Hantz’s Story

    I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 Hantz came to the Whosoever Gospel Mission on March 28, 2018 with a bandage on his right arm and apprehension in his heart. At his lowest point, he found himself homeless, malnourished, and addicted. The last time he was in Germantown,…

  • Worshiping the Famous One

    Worshiping the Famous One

    4 Philadelphia Eagles & their families serve at the Mission on Christmas Eve On the morning of December 24, 2018, the Mission family was busy getting ready for our annual Christmas Eve luncheon and chapel service. As we prepared the food and arranged all the presents for our residents, several volunteers showed up to…