Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

Planning to Achieve

Mike works on homework for the Career Track Learning Program
Mike works on homework for the Career Track Learning Program.  Since this photo, Mike began working and is now saving up to graduate and move into his own place.

One way to think of the Whosoever Gospel Mission is as a place where homeless men, who have long ago stopped dreaming, are encouraged to dream, to plan, to aspire and to achieve.

At the Mission, homeless men find the courage they need to dream big, the critical education, life & vocational skills they need to chart a course toward their dreams, and the financial, spiritual, physical & practical help they need to make their dreams a reality.

One tool we use at the Mission to help men dream big and work step-by-step to make those dreams a reality by God’s grace is our Roadmap to Success. Each man works through his Roadmap, reevaluating and changing it as he engages in a process of vocational discovery and begins to map out short- and long-range plans.

Learning Program Director Randy Baker facilitates a problem-solving discussion about real-world conflicts that arise in the workplace.
Learning Program Director Randy Baker facilitates a problem-solving discussion about real-world conflicts that arise in the workplace.

This wouldn’t be possible without friends like you.  Thanks for your part in giving men a hand-up, not just a hand-out.

New Life Program Counselor Joe McAvinney leads a Life Skills Class on preparing financially for the future, wise money management and budgeting
New Life Program Counselor Joe McAvinney leads a Life Skills Class on preparing financially for the future, wise money management and budgeting