Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

Mike Sellars

I dropped out of high school, setting in motion a cycle of procrastination that eventually became a well-developed pattern in my life.  Never having finished school, I falsified information on job applications and my resume.  Eventually, I began to feel ashamed of myself and what I was doing.  One day, I realized that it didn’t have to be this way.
When I was in school, I didn’t think I could measure up to the standards required of me academically.  But I now believe that I can through the power of Christ.  God is a Finisher – He finishes what He starts.  Now I want to finish what I started, too.
With my new desire to work for real change in many areas of my life, God began to make available to me tools and resources for the task at hand.  One of those resources is the Learning Lab at the Whosoever Gospel Mission.  Once I entered the Career Track Learning Program, I had access to teachers and tutors, as well as classes geared toward my success.  I found people who genuinely cared about me – people who wanted to help me achieve my goal.
I’m currently working on my GED, and am excited to tackle what seemed like an unattainable goal until now.  The teachers and staff have persevered with me through many struggles and setbacks.  They continue to encourage and help me every step of the way.
The results are now evident, and my goal is close at hand.  What joy it brings my heart, seeing something that seemed impossible now becoming possible!

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  1. Anthony Ramos Avatar
    Anthony Ramos