Dear Friends,
It’s been an eventful winter at the Mission! Our beloved Executive Director Emeritus, Bob Emberger, underwent his third open-heart surgery in February and continues to recover. While we miss seeing him around, we are deeply grateful that the Lord spared his life. We’re also excited to share that we’ll soon break ground on a much-needed parking lot for our staff and volunteers at our Germantown headquarters. This comes on top of the daily work God has entrusted to us – providing food, shelter, clothing, spiritual care, counseling, education, life skills and job-readiness training to the men in our program, not just through the winter but all year long.
Each part of our comprehensive New Life Program is designed to equip men experiencing homelessness with the tools they need to rebuild their lives. Our Learning Program, for example, helps men sharpen their reading, writing, and math skills. For Gregory, who came to us last year with a ninth-grade education, it was life-changing. Through this program, he earned his high school diploma – an achievement that paved the way for him to enroll in cooking school, where he has excelled and will soon graduate!
The Learning Program will take center stage at this year’s Afternoon of Celebration on Saturday, April 5th in Willow Grove (see this invitation for details). I hope you’ll join us as we recognize our residents’ hard work at our quarterly Learning Program Awards Ceremony. It’s a wonderful opportunity to get a firsthand glimpse of life inside the Mission while celebrating together in a fun and festive setting.
As always, I’m deeply grateful for your partnership. Your support is used by God to restore hope in the lives of men who have lost it. We couldn’t do this without you! May God richly bless you and yours. I hope to see you on April 5th!
In His grace and joy,

Heather L. Rice, D.Min.
Executive Director

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