Dear Friend of the Mission,
As we come to this season of Thanksgiving, we have much to give thanks for! At the top of our list, our $90,000 deficit was wiped out, and we finished our fiscal year on September 30th in the black with all of our bills paid. Your wonderfully kind and generous gifts were used by the Lord to make this happen. We thank the Lord, and we also thank you for opening up your hearts and wallets to bless the Mission and the homeless men who live here with your financial support.
We also thank the Lord for the 6 men who recently graduated from the Mission’s New Life Program. This means that they are now working, living in their own place and staying clean and sober from drugs and alcohol. We also hope that they are walking with the Lord day-by-day. We obviously need money to pay our bills each and every day, but at the end of the day, the heart of the Mission is sharing God’s love in word and deed with the broken and hurting homeless men who come to the Mission desperately looking for help. Your gifts are really an investment in the lives of our men. And it is an investment that keeps on producing dividends in and through the lives of our men for years to come. As our men become productive, contributing members of our society, their lives in turn touch and impact for good the lives of hundreds and even thousands of people with whom they come into contact. This positive impact begins with their families as our men become responsible dads, husbands, granddads, brothers and sons.
At this special time of year, we also thank the Lord for YOU. You are a great friend of the Mission. You are on our mailing list because you have blessed the Mission in some way – by donating used items for our thrift store ministry, by volunteering at the Mission, by bringing your youth group or another group to the Mission, by signing up for our mail list when we visited your church, by praying for us and telling us that you are doing so, by supporting the Mission financially and with new donations, or by inviting us to preach and minister at your church in some way. We cannot do what we do apart from good friends such as you. Blessings to you!
As we begin our new fiscal year (which began October 1st), we continue to need your support. Homelessness is increasing in Philadelphia, our beds are full, and our waiting list is growing. Thank you for keeping us going strong as a place of hope and new beginnings.
Thanking God for you,
Robert A. Emberger, D.Min.
Executive Director