Dear friends,
Another fiscal year has flown by! I cannot thank you enough for all of the ways you have reached out to bless, support, encourage and help us! Your partnership has made a very real impact in the lives of men, their families and the broader community. Here’s a sampling of some of this year’s program highlights since October 1, 2023 (and the year’s not over yet!):
- One hundred and seventy-eight men had their most basic needs met here at the Mission where they found safe shelter, good and plentiful food, clean and comfortable clothing, life-affirming relationships and compassionate spiritual care.
- Forty-eight men secured employment, established a budget, and have begun saving as they work towards graduation and securing their own permanent housing.
- Twenty-one men have moved into their own places.
- Four men earned their ServSafe Manager’s food safety certificate and graduated from cooking school at Philabundance Community Kitchen (three of them are now employed in the food service industry while the fourth has just begun his job search).
- Over 56% of our men who were tested after 8 weeks of instruction demonstrated measurable improvement in reading, writing or math, and 100% of our men who stayed at least 6 weeks acquired a working knowledge of how to use a computer.
- One man tested and passed four of the five HiSET (High School Equivalency Test) subject exams required to get his PA Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma – he only has one test left to take before he earns his diploma!
Each number above represents a unique person with his own life and relationships. Being in the New Life Program isn’t easy. Tackling life-change is heavy work. That’s why we work so hard in our daily chapels to emphasize hope and to dig deeply into the mercy, love, and grace of God. This kind of work takes time. But the fruit of perseverance is worth it! I am reminded of that this weekend. I have the joy of hosting a sleepover for my goddaughter and her siblings while their parents go away to celebrate their 10-year wedding anniversary. Ten years ago, Mission graduate Ed married his sweetheart (it was a joy-filled affair!). Together, they have raised their growing family to be an active part of the Mission family. Ed has stayed the course and persevered. Their three beautiful, healthy, joyful children are evidence of that. Thank you for your investment in this beautiful family, and in so many others like them.
As we head into our new fiscal year, we would be so very grateful for your continued partnership in this great work! Our expenses continue to rise, our well-used facilities continue to require much maintenance, and we remain committed to paying our hard-working staff a living wage. Any help you are able to provide in the year ahead would be so very appreciated! The Lord’s richest blessings to you and yours in the season ahead!
Grace and peace,

Heather L. Rice, D.Min.
Executive Director

Executive Director Heather Rice and counselor Steve Wittekind with NLP graduate Gaunic when he received his ServSafe and graduated from cooking school at Philabundance Community Kitchen