Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

From the Director ~ March 2024

Dear Friends,

It’s almost spring! I’m excited for longer hours of sunshine each day and warmer weather on the horizon. In the meantime, I’m very grateful that the buildings that have housed us for over a century still keep us warm and dry (there’s a wet wintry mix falling as I write this!). As you might imagine, it takes an army of staff, volunteers, and professional tradespeople to keep these big old buildings in good working order. We’ve been blessed with excellent vendors – from plumbers and roofers to HVAC and electrical professionals. They are incredibly responsive and always available to answer my texts and calls (one even answered my call and talked me through resetting our chiller on the roof while he was competing in a horseshoe tournament – sadly he lost the tournament, but happily our chiller started working again!). I realize how blessed we are, and I am grateful.

I am also incredibly grateful for the many volunteers that continually bless our residents, staff, and the Mission as a whole. Just recently, blessings poured into the Mission for Valentine’s Day, all thanks to our wonderful volunteers and friends. That week we had a special pizza dinner, an amazing Italian feast, and hand-made cards and decorations from school children. Soon, groups of volunteers will be helping us spruce up our property for the spring and get ready for some more capital projects. On a regular basis, volunteers tutor our men in adult basic education (especially reading, writing and math), bring us donated baked-goods and other rescued food from restaurants and grocery stores, sort donated clothing, price jewelry for our thrift shops, and help with facilities upkeep (like painting and hanging blinds), just to name a few things. Volunteers do so much for the Mission. We would be at a loss without them.

If you have volunteered at the Mission over the past year, please accept my heartfelt thanks for all that you’ve done to bless our men. We are grateful beyond words. Please also accept our deepest thanks for your kind and generous financial gifts. We need both – volunteers AND financial support – to keep our ministry to men experiencing homelessness going strong. Together with you, we share so much more than food, shelter, and clothing with those who come to us seeking help. For Al, our most recent graduate, that “more” translated into things like finding meaningful employment, moving into his own lovely place, beginning the process of reconciliation with his family, receiving notice of a promotion at work, and experiencing the joy and peace of the Lord in ways that he never before imagined possible. Thank you for partnering with us to bless Al (and so many others like him) in such tangible ways. The Lord bless and keep you and yours in His love!

Grace and Peace,

Heather L. Rice, D.Min.
Executive Director