Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

From the Director ~ June 2012

Dear Friend of the Mission,

Please accept my heartfelt thanks for all that you do for the Whosoever Gospel Mission.  Just about every day we are blessed with food donations, monetary gifts, personal care items for our men, laundry detergent, paper goods, used plastic grocery bags for our thrift stores, donations of good used items for our thrift stores as well as many other donations of miscellaneous items that are useful for our ministry.  For those who recently helped us with the Feinstein Foundation Challenge Grant, please accept my special thanks for the generous cash donations and donations of food you gave toward this challenge.  Your gifts are a great help to us right now, and later on this summer we will receive a grant from the Feinstein Foundation as well.

I hope you will read our post entitled “Staying Power,” and I trust thatit will encourage and bless you.  Recently we asked our men what life would be like for them if they were not at the Whosoever Gospel Mission.  You can see by their answers that life would be pretty bad and bleak if they were not here.  Your donations and gifts truly are an investment in the lives of our men.  The Lord’s amazing grace is changing lives.  Thanks for your kind and generous support!

I mentioned in a previous letter the financial challenges we are facing this year.  Our thrift stores are doing well, and you have been generous in your giving.  However, we are having a hard time raising the $200,000 we need in budgeted income from foundation grants.  Private foundations are reporting that they are receiving more applications for grants from nonprofits than ever before.  Unlike many nonprofit organizations, we have never depended upon the government for funding.  However, with all of the government cutbacks, these other nonprofits are now asking foundations for grants with the result that the application process for grants is much more competitive.  Please pray with us about this unexpected shortfall in our budgeted income, and please consider giving an extra generous gift to help make up the difference.

Thanks so much!

Robert A. Emberger, D.Min.
Executive Director


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    Magdalisa Luciano