Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

From the Director ~ Jan/Feb 2024

Dear friends

I hope you had a wonderfully rich and enjoyable holiday season with those you love. We certainly did here at the Mission (even with a few rounds of colds, flu, and COVID – thank you to all who have kept the cold & flu meds coming!). So many friends made our celebrations extra festive for our men and their families with wonderful gifts, homemade treats, special meals and chapels, and even a Christmas concert with strings and piano. It would be impossible to personally thank everyone who generously gave to make our celebrations what they were. Please accept our very deep and sincere thanks for your part in our celebrations! We couldn’t do it without you!

One gentleman stood up and shared in chapel that he has struggled with holidays the past several years because they remind him of the family he doesn’t have. Then he smiled, extended his arms, looked around the room, and said, “but now look how big my family is.” The Mission truly is a family.

For others, like Tony (name changed for privacy), God uses the Mission to reestablish and restore family relationships. Tony came to us directly from prison in April 2021, arriving around 1:00 AM (he took a Greyhound and a cab from Pittsburgh after being released late in the afternoon). Panicky, Tony thought he was in the wrong place when he arrived to find the Mission all closed up (it was 1:00 AM!). We were able to get him safely in and settled for the night. That was the start of Tony’s long journey of hard work and perseverance – all of which paid off. In May 2022, Tony graduated from the New Life Program with a good job and moved into a two-bedroom house – big enough to have his three young children with him. He has worked hard to be there for his kids who have had a difficult journey themselves. I’m delighted to share that Tony is still doing well and continues to check in regularly with us. Fast-forward to this Christmas season – Tony had to work the day we had our toy giveaway, so we picked out toys for him to give to his children. When he came by to pick them up, he was all smiles. He made it a point to stop in our various offices sharing hugs and greetings with everyone. The reason for his joy? “My kids are all home! They’re at my house!” He shared once again how grateful he is for all the Mission has done for him.

Your investment in the Mission is an investment in the lives of real people like Tony and his kids. Thank you! Please keep us in mind as the cold settles in and our expenses rise! Your continued support means so much. We are grateful! Please also save the date to join us for an Afternoon of Celebration at Calvary Presbyterian Church in Willow Grove on Saturday, April 27th. More details will follow. The Lord bless you and yours in His mercy, love and grace!

Grace and peace,

Heather L. Rice, D.Min.
Executive Director