Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

From the Director ~ Christmas 2014


Dear Friend of the Mission,

As the wonderful old Christmas song declares, “I’ll be home for Christmas.” But when you are homeless, there is no place called home for Christmas. Christmas can actually be a terribly sad and depressing time for a homeless man. This is why with your help, the Mission pulls out all of the stops to make Christmas a wonderful and festive time for our men. We deck our halls with all kinds of Christmas decorations, we have special dinners and Christmas treats for our men, we provide new toys and gifts for the children and grandchildren of our men, we distribute Christmas presents to each of our men, we play Christmas music and sing Christmas carols, and we joyfully celebrate the good news of Christ’s birth in our chapels. Christmas at the Mission is a happy time filled with love, joy and hope, and for some men, perhaps the best Christmas ever.

As we close out 2014, we need your help. Please consider making a special gift to the Mission so that every day at the Mission can be filled with the joy and hope of Christmas. Here are a few ways you can invest in our men and give them a hand-up, and not just a hand-out:

  1. A special year-end sacrificial gift. God will use your gift to change a life.
  2. Some families bless our men by pooling their resources and giving a special Christmas gift to the Mission from their family (individual receipts for each
  3. donor can still be given).
  4. If God has blessed you this past year, please consider sending a large gift to the Mission.  Large gifts take big bites out of our budgeted expenses, strengthen and expand our services (such as hiring a job coach), and are major investments in the lives of our men.
  5. Give a gift of appreciated stock. A gift of appreciated stock is always a great help and can also provide you with some excellent tax benefits, especially if you transfer the stock directly to the Mission rather than first selling it. Please consult with your financial advisor to confirm these tax benefits. We can easily arrange for an electronic transfer of your stock. If you would like to do this, please call me at 215 438 3094 (ext 102).
  6. If you have set up a donor advised fund, you can request that a grant be made to the Whosoever Gospel Mission. These grants make a difference in the lives of our men.

Thank you for investing in the lives of our men – to give them hope and a future! May you and your loved ones have a wonderful Christmas and a New Year filled with peace and joy.

With warmth and friendship,
Bob signature



Robert A. Emberger, D.Min.
Executive Director