Dear Friend of the Mission,
You often hear me say that the Mission provides homeless men a hand-up and not just a handout. You can never go wrong with compassion, and there is nothing wrong with handing out food to a hungry and homeless man surviving in downtown Philadelphia. But it is always far better to equip and help a homeless man get a job and become self-supporting so he can buy his own food instead of depending upon others for his next meal. Equipping and empowering homeless men to become self-supporting is one of the main things that we do here at the Whosoever Gospel Mission.
At the beginning of my Professional and Vocational Development Class which I teach on Monday nights at 6:00 p.m. (you are always welcome to sit in!), I always ask our men who has gotten a job since last week. After a man shares about his new job, our men always give up a hearty round of applause and cheers. Thank you for your kind and generous support that helps us give homeless men a hand-up and not just a handout. Your faithful giving is used by the Lord every day at the Mission to make life-giving and life-changing differences in the lives of our men. Our ministry is a ministry of transformation, restoration, and best of all, celebration!
Please accept my special thanks for helping us out with some extraordinary expenses this summer – an expensive air conditioning repair and a very large water bill resulting from the Philadelphia Water Department under billing the Mission for over 7 years (they incorrectly programmed the new water meter they installed in 2008 shortly before we reopened after being closed for almost three years after our catastrophic arson fire of 2006). Your kind and generous gifts are a great encouragement to us. It is comforting to know that when difficulties and problems come our way, we are not alone. We have a multitude of friends and supporters who fervently pray for us and who also give generously to us. Because of your kindness, our water bill is paid off and our men are enjoying cool temperatures in our dormitory building. We found out that we still need additional work on our AC, but for now it is working, and our men are comfortably cool. I hope your summer has been a good one thus far.
With much thanks and appreciation,
Robert A. Emberger, D.Min.
Executive Director