Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

Christmas 2010 Newsletter

Dear Friend of the Mission,

I love Christmas!  It is a special time of year filled with family, friends and all of the wonderful festivities of the season (I think I have every movie version of the Christmas Carol including the Muppet version!).  My wife and I are especially excited because our son, his wife and our two precious granddaughters will be flying in from California to spend Christmas with us.  However, as much as we are looking forward to hugging and spoiling our granddaughters, Corinne (2 ½ years) and Ainsley (almost 1 year old), I can honestly say that I love Christmas most of all because it celebrates the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.  As greeting cards and decorations proclaim, Jesus truly is the reason for the season.

With your help and support, we work really hard to make the Mission a warm and loving home for the 50 homeless men living at the Mission.  We have festive decorations, special holiday meals, Christmas presents for our men, special chapels filled with joyful Christmas carols, and our annual toy giveaway for the children and grandchildren of our men.  There is no place like home for the holidays, and for our men, the Mission will be their home – a home filled with the love, joy and hope of Christmas.  With your support, we also provide toys and a fun-filled Christmas party for the precious children and their families in our After School Club.

As we come to the end of 2010, please be sure to include the Mission on your Christmas gift list.  Homelessness never takes a holiday, and your kind and generous gifts will benefit and bless our men throughout the year without any cutbacks in the critical services we provide.  If you own stock, please consider making a gift of appreciated stock.  A gift of stock is always a great help and can also provide you with some excellent tax benefits.  We can arrange for an electronic transfer of your stock.  If you would like to do this, please call me at 215 438 3094 (ext 102).  Thank you for investing in the lives of our men – to give them a future and a hope.  We could not do what we do apart from caring friends such as you!

May the joy and peace of Christmas be yours!

Robert A. Emberger, D.Min.
Executive Director

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  1. Walter Rollo Wilson Avatar