Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892


  • Video: Toy Giveaway

    Video: Toy Giveaway

    Christmas is coming! Now is a great time to start collecting new, unwrapped toys so homeless dads working hard to rebuild their lives can gift them to their children! Check out this video of a previous toy giveaway to see what it looks like! 2014 Toy Giveaway! from K2 Media on Vimeo. Giving gifts is…

  • Video: finding hope, finding home

    Video: finding hope, finding home

    The Whosoever Gospel Mission from K2 Media on Vimeo. Homeless men share what the Mission means to them

  • From the Director ~ October 2014

    Dear Friend of the Mission, Please accept my special thanks for your prayers and gifts to reduce our deficit by the end of our fiscal year, September 30th. We don’t have the final numbers in yet, but we do know that your gift made a difference in helping us to finish our fiscal year…

  • Beauty Unfolding: Arthur and his flowers

    “…whatever one sows, that will he also reap…let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:7-9 Arthur’s Flowers In late May, it took Arthur, a New Life Program graduate, two trips on the bus to bring us the plants he was…

  • From the Director ~ September 2014

    Your gift today keeps us going strong tomorrow! Dear Friend, Your kind and faithful support this past year has been used by God to make all of these good things happen. I personally take great comfort and joy in knowing that while I may be on the front lines of this ministry of helping…

  • From the Director ~ August 2014

    Dear Friend of the Mission, Earlier this summer my wife Marcia and I looked forward with eager anticipation to a 10 day visit from our three precious granddaughters who live in California (we also looked forward to their parents, our son and daughter-in-law, visiting! ). The joy and excitement of picking up our loved…

  • From the Director ~ July 2014

    Dear Friend of the Mission, Graduating one of our men from the New Life Program is always a celebration for us. Our graduates have traveled light years from when they first arrived at the Mission. Together we rejoice in God’s amazing grace in giving them a new life filled with all sorts of good…

  • From the Director ~ June 2014

    Dear Friend of the Mission, When you take the “less” out of homeless, you end up with the word “home.” The Whosoever Gospel Mission is all about helping homeless men to no longer be homeless – to have a safe place they can call home. When a homeless man comes to the Mission, we…

  • From the Director ~ April 2014

    Dear Friend of the Mission, Within a month after I came to the Mission in February 1989, a reporter from the Philadelphia Inquirer lived as a homeless man on the streets of Philadelphia for five days.  In his subsequent article which was published on June 4, 1989, he wrote: “I spent my third night…

  • A Video Glimpse of Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving At The Mission from K2 Media on Vimeo. A look at the celebration that takes place at the Mission every year on Thanksgiving day. Its a day where those at the mission get to reflect on what God is doing in their lives and enjoy tons of food! “Give thanks to the Lord,…