Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892


  • Come and Rest ~ Robert’s Story

    “Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 When Robert Jessie first came to the Mission in 2012, he desperately needed to be still and listen. After making some poor choices in his teen years, Robert ended up incarcerated at the age of 19.…

  • A Family Restored – The Robinsons’ Story

    Watch this video as Ed and Jasmine share how the Lord used the Mission to bless and heal their family. Watch on Vimeo: The Robinsons’ Story

  • From the Director ~ April 2016

    Dear Friend of the Mission, At the end of March, my wife Marcia and I visited our son, daughter-in-law and 4 precious granddaughters in Grand Junction, Colorado. My son Jason is an Assistant Pastor of a church in Grand Junction. We certainly had a wonderful time with our son’s family – we can never…

  • Join Us April 9th!

    A Family Celebration! Celebrating 124 years of God at work building & restoring families When God changes a man’s life at the Whosoever Gospel Mission, the change does not stop with just that one man. Each man is connected to a host of other people – mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, brothers, sisters,…

  • From the Director ~ February 2016

    Save the date! – Our second annual night of celebration will be held on Saturday, April 9th from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. – Refreshments will be served after the program. Admission is free – just a free-will offering. Details will follow. Dear Friend of the Mission, Please enjoy these photos filled with laughter, smiles, good…

  • Gifting Dads

    Donors and friends gave tons of toys and gifts so the men could give a very special gift this Christmas to their kids and grandkids – the gift of a dad!

  • From the Director ~ Thanksgiving 2015

    Dear Friend of the Mission, We work hard to help our men rebuild broken relationships with their families. It is always a real joy and a reason to celebrate when one of our men tells us with a big smile that he will be spending Thanksgiving Day with his family. But sadly, there will…

  • Resources

    2015 AGRM Handouts and Counseling Resources Hello! As promised, here is a link to the dropbox folder with handouts and resources from the seminars presented by Dr. Bob Emberger and by Heather Rice at the 2015 Annual Convention of the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions. If you need assistance, please email Heather at hrice@whosoevergospel.org…

  • From the Director ~ March 2015

    From the Director ~ March 2015

    Dear Friend of the Mission, Homeless men usually feel pretty hopeless. They’ve been told that they need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps, but then they discover they have no bootstraps! Well-meaning people tell them they need to get a job, but who is going to hire a man who looks homeless and…

  • From the Director ~ January 2015

    From the Director ~ January 2015

    Dear Friend of the Mission, Please browse our collection of photos filled with laughter, smiles, toys and gifts from our 2014 Christmas celebration at the Whosoever Gospel Mission. Your financial gifts, gifts of new toys for the children and grandchildren of our men, gifts for our men and all sorts of other wonderful kindnesses made Christmas…