Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

Real Stories

  • Tears of Joy ~ Richard’s Story

    “My experience this Christmas was wonderful.  The reason I say this is because of the renewed hope and restoration that’s happening in my life here at the Mission.  Before coming to  the Mission I felt hopeless, I was living in darkness and it felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on…

  • Ty Graduates from Philabundance Community Kitchen

    Ty, a resident of the Mission’s New Life Program,  graduated from Philabundance Community Kitchen, a hands-on culinary arts vocational training program.  The Philabundance Community Kitchen is a great training option for New Life Program men who have entered the Careers Phase of the Mission’s residential multi-phase job readiness program and are looking to embark…

  • From Death to Life

    Ed Robinson carries around in his wallet this picture of himself (on the left) to remind him of where he came from.  Read his story in his own words: “There was a time in my life when I felt like the storm would never dissipate.  Being homeless 13 years and dealing in dark places…

  • Eric, Andrew, Doug and Christopher

    Andrew Fratacelli is working diligently on his GED because he has a bigger goal in view – he wants to go to Bible College. In the past, Andrew struggled with a lack of motivation and self-discipline.  He didn’t know where he was going in life, much less how to get there. But since coming…

  • Changing Lives

    HI.  MY NAME IS GREG DELGADO.  I’ve been thanking the Lord from the time I arrived at the Mission in July of ‘99 until the present.  I’m thanking him for the Mission and what it does in the lives of broken men like myself – men who come through these doors.  One way the…

  • Mike Sellars

    I dropped out of high school, setting in motion a cycle of procrastination that eventually became a well-developed pattern in my life.  Never having finished school, I falsified information on job applications and my resume.  Eventually, I began to feel ashamed of myself and what I was doing.  One day, I realized that it…

  • Nate Smith

    It’s 2001 and my whole world comes crashing down. I buried my mother – Doris  Tanner Matthews – the best friend I ever had in this world and a good mother.  Without her love and support, I started drinking and soon after turned to drugs.  I was losing control of my life fast. My…

  • Greg Delgado

    Hi. My name is Gregory Delgado and this is my story. I have been an abuser of drugs and alcohol for most of my life. It became more evident when I was discharged from the Navy. At that time my drinking and drug abuse became more severe – I woke up drinking, went to…

  • Charles Drake

    My name is Charles Drake; this is my story. After a brief stint in prison and my release in the year 2001, I yet again indulged in my addiction. I spent about 5 months of pure madness on the streets of Philadelphia. My addiction reached back to my teenage years. A pastor recommended that…

  • Joe Rice

    Hi, my name is Joe Rice. My story starts 21 years ago. I started using cocaine and my life spiraled out of control. Near the end I lived under the 30th Street Bridge for seven years, in and out of jail and hospitals, wasting my whole adult life. One day me and a group…