Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

Real Stories

  • Moving Forward

    The beginning of 2013 has seen much cause for celebration at the Whosoever Gospel Mission.  We welcomed the New Year in on January 2nd with a glorious celebration as five men graduated from the New Life Program.  Mercy, John, Quan, Lonnie and Rusty all worked hard to get to this point.  Having completed the…

  • Coming Home

    Today, Lonsy is employed, living independently and full of joy.  He graduated from the Mission’s New Life Program over a year ago, and he’s still on track. Lonsy’s journey to get to this point, however, was a very long and difficult one.  Before coming to the Mission, Lonsy was homeless for many years, living…

  • Saved to Serve

    Robert Flood proudly shares with everyone and anyone that he graduated from the Mission’s New Life Program on March 17, 2004.  For the past eight years, he has been working hard to be the best dad he can be to his 8-year-old daughter, Helen.  Robert’s desire is to do everything he can to point…

  • Lasting Love

    Germaine is proud of her husband, John, and at John’s graduation from the Mission’s New Life Program, Germaine made sure everyone knew it.  Her love for him is evident.  Though their love has been through a lot, it’s now stronger than ever.  John came to the Mission and entered the long-term residential New Life…

  • Flowers from Arthur

    Meet Arthur Rackley, a graduate of the Mission’s New Life Program.  Art is well loved at his job in Chestnut Hill where he takes pride in keeping the streets clean.  Each year, Art’s boss gives him a beautiful selection of flowers to bring to the Mission for our planters out front.  Because of Art’s…

  • Staying Power

    Many of the men who come to the Mission haven’t stayed in any one place all that long.  They’ve spent years of their lives running – running from problems, from pain, from the things that frighten them, from responsibility, from family and friends, from God, from themselves.  In the end, they’re never really able…

  • Heading in a New Direction ~ Ira’s Story

    Heading in a New Direction ~ Ira’s Story

    Before coming to the Mission, Ira was heading full speed down the road of self-destruction.  His addiction to drugs left him with no job, no home, and a trail of broken relationships. Ira thanks God for using the Mission to help him change course.  Today, Ira is drug free, and his family tells him…

  • The Power of Love ~ Rodney’s Story

    “Hello!  My name is Rodney Foote, and I’m the Dorm Supervisor at the Whosoever Gospel Mission.  I’m a graduate, and I highly appreciate the opportunity that was given to me to come here.  By God’s grace and with the help of the staff members here at the Mission, I was able to turn my…

  • Perseverance Paid Off

    Ross, Jose, Rodney and Ira persevered through numerous obstacles, worked hard, obtained financial self-sufficiency and successfully graduated from the Mission’s New Life Program!  Ross (a retired City employee), Jose (a successful barber) and Ira (the Mission’s new full-time truck driver who is taking night classes to get his commercial driver’s license) all moved out…

  • More than a key ~ Wiljen’s Story

    “What appears to be an ordinary key to others symbolizes much more to me – it’s a sign of restored relationships and regained trust.  Twenty years ago, because of my lifestyle, this key was taken from me.  Today, after twenty years, I got it back!  This key is the key to my mother’s house. …