Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

Real Stories

  • Vince’s Story

    “I drank from the age of 17 to 48. I couldn’t imagine life without drinking. But I feel great now. It’s amazing what God can do. A few months ago, the Mission hired me to be the full-time Food Service Supervisor. I’ve always felt called to ministry. I love being able to serve the men in this way.…

  • Robert’s Story

    “My family was so disappointed in me. They visited me only once in prison and said they weren’t coming back. For 4 years I was alone. I wrote to the Mission from prison and was accepted into the program. I came right here when I got out. Now I’m drug free and I’ve started my job search. I’m…

  • George’s Story

    “For 19 years I was a welder mechanic fabricator. Then I was laid off and I couldn’t find full-time work. I had no where else to go when God brought me to the Mission. I want to do more with my life than just weld. I want to do ministry. I was praying about this when someone…

  • Video: Toy Giveaway

    Video: Toy Giveaway

    Christmas is coming! Now is a great time to start collecting new, unwrapped toys so homeless dads working hard to rebuild their lives can gift them to their children! Check out this video of a previous toy giveaway to see what it looks like! 2014 Toy Giveaway! from K2 Media on Vimeo. Giving gifts is…

  • Video: finding hope, finding home

    Video: finding hope, finding home

    The Whosoever Gospel Mission from K2 Media on Vimeo. Homeless men share what the Mission means to them

  • A Big Family ~ Thanksgiving 2014

    As one resident of the Mission’s New Life Program put it, “I have an invitation to a big family dinner for Thanksgiving this year…here!” Bob has been trying to reconnect with his family, but that bridge is proving difficult to build.  In the meantime, Bob was delighted to know that he would be at…

  • Beauty Unfolding: Arthur and his flowers

    “…whatever one sows, that will he also reap…let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:7-9 Arthur’s Flowers In late May, it took Arthur, a New Life Program graduate, two trips on the bus to bring us the plants he was…

  • Celebrating in Community

    We had the privilege of celebrating Joe’s graduation from the New Life Program last week.  It quickly became evident that Joe’s success was the whole community’s success.  As testimonies were shared and comments made, one truth was emphasized over and over – God puts us in community to bless, encourage, lift up and help…

  • A Dad for Helen

    If you could meet Helen I think you’d agree that she’s a pretty awesome kid. Raised by her single dad from birth, this 9-year-old third-grader loves to dance and play the flute (and pound away on the drums when she gets the chance). She’s a helper by nature who loves to serve. At church,…

  • Helping dads be dads through toys

    New toys help dads at the Mission connect with their kids and grandkids over Christmas. For some of the men, this is the first time in a long while they’ve been able to give anything to their kids. During our toy giveaway, dads and grand-dads actually select the specific unwrapped toys that they want…