Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

Real Stories

  • Audience of One!

    As they spoke to a packed chapel of (cheering) residents, staff and families at the Whosoever Gospel Mission, Wentz and Maragos both shared how Jesus gave them new life. Now their heart’s desire is to live in awe of Him and no one else. He is the One they want to make famous. They…

  • Pounding the Pavement!

    Being in the New Life Program is hard work! After three months of preparation in the Foundations Phase of the Program and armed with a sharp resume, strong letters of reference and a top-notch self-marketing package, men enter the Careers Phase and begin their job search. For some men, especially those over 50 years…

  • Christmas Joy!

    This Christmas the love of many stretched far beyond their immediate family and reached out to include the 55 homeless men who live at the Mission and their families! As you baked cookies, prepared meals, bought toys and gave gifts to our men, our families truly became one. Here are a few of the…

  • Thanksgiving 2016

    Here at the Mission, we are thankful for much!  We gathered together on Thanksgiving Day to celebrate the Lord’s goodness to us and to give thanks.  Tim shared how he’s thankful for true friends who love him enough to speak truth to him even when it’s hard to hear.  Mark thanked God for the…

  • Come and Rest ~ Robert’s Story

    “Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 When Robert Jessie first came to the Mission in 2012, he desperately needed to be still and listen. After making some poor choices in his teen years, Robert ended up incarcerated at the age of 19.…

  • A Family Restored – The Robinsons’ Story

    Watch this video as Ed and Jasmine share how the Lord used the Mission to bless and heal their family. Watch on Vimeo: The Robinsons’ Story

  • Gifting Dads

    Donors and friends gave tons of toys and gifts so the men could give a very special gift this Christmas to their kids and grandkids – the gift of a dad!

  • Giving Thanks!

    The Mission family gathered for an awesome feast on Thanksgiving Day where we enjoyed sweet fellowship, amazing food and a time of sharing testimonies of thanks for all that God is and does for us!

  • Planning to Achieve

    One way to think of the Whosoever Gospel Mission is as a place where homeless men, who have long ago stopped dreaming, are encouraged to dream, to plan, to aspire and to achieve. At the Mission, homeless men find the courage they need to dream big, the critical education, life & vocational skills they…

  • Photo reflections

    Photographer Jacqueline Horning and some of her friends spent an afternoon at the Mission.  Here’s what they saw: See her photo blog here