Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

Mission Updates

  • From the Director ~ Thanksgiving 2017

    Dear Friend of the Mission, Homelessness, drugs and alcohol really beat up the men who come to the Whosoever Gospel Mission. When a man first arrives at the Mission, he looks like he is carrying the weight of the whole world upon his shoulders. He is hungry, tired, depressed and downcast. Quite often his…

  • From the Director ~ September 2017

    Dear Friend of the Mission, As we come to the end of our fiscal year on September 30th, first and foremost I want to thank you for your friendship. Through your support, the lives of broken and hurting homeless men were touched and transformed by God’s amazing grace. Here are only a few of…

  • From the Director ~ August 2017

    Dear Friend of the Mission, You often hear me say that the Mission provides homeless men a hand-up and not just a handout. You can never go wrong with compassion, and there is nothing wrong with handing out food to a hungry and homeless man surviving in downtown Philadelphia. But it is always far…

  • From the Director ~ June 2017

    Dear Friend of the Mission, Every day at the Mission is a mix of both blessings and challenges. The blessings that the Lord brings our way always amaze us. As Scripture declares, the Lord does exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20)! For example, we had the joy and privilege…

  • From the Director ~ May 2017

    Dear Friend of the Mission, The homeless men who come to the Whosoever Gospel Mission are working hard every day to rebuild their lives. You can be encouraged knowing that your gift provides our men with a hand-up from poverty and not just a hand-out. Helping our men obtain up-to-date state-issued positive identification is…

  • From the Director ~ April 2017

    Dear Friend of the Mission, We just celebrated our 125th anniversary with a joy-filled Night of Celebration at one of our supporting churches. It was a wonderful evening filled with moving testimonies, great music, countless reminders of God’s faithfulness, sweet fellowship and delicious refreshments. Tony King, the very first graduate of our New Life…

  • From the Director ~ February 2017

    Save the date! Celebrate with us 125 years of God’s faithfulness to the Whosoever Gospel Mission on Saturday, April 1st, 2017 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Calvary Presbyterian Church in Willow Grove! We turn 125 years old only once! Refreshments will be served after the program. Admission is free – just a…

  • From the Director ~ Christmas 2016

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Dear Friend of the Mission, “There’s no place like home for the holidays!” That is so true, but for many of our men, they will not be home for the holidays – instead they will be at the Whosoever Gospel Mission – not a bad place, but…

  • From the Director ~ Thanksgiving 2016

    Dear Friend of the Mission, Every day at the Mission is a day of giving thanks.  As we come to Thanksgiving Day, here are a few things from a long list of many that I am giving thanks for during this holiday season: Three men recently graduated from our New Life Program on Tuesday…

  • From the Director ~ October 2016

    Dear Friend of the Mission, Our staff gathers every day (except Sunday) at 8:45 a.m. to pray and thank God for our men, for one another, and for you. For our men, we pray for their health, for a job, for victory over addiction, that they would experience hope, that they would not give…