Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

Mission Updates

  • From the Director ~ Thanksgiving 2020

    Dear Friend of the Mission, Because of COVID-19, our Thanksgiving Day celebration is going to be quite a bit different this year. We normally have a big crowd of 130-140 people – our residents, volunteers, friends of the Mission, New Life Program graduates, staff members, and family members of our staff and residents. I…

  • From the Director ~ October 2020

    Dear Friend of the Mission, The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly thrown a few curve balls at the Mission. But we are still open, and we are still providing, without interruption or cutbacks, on-site housing and help for up to 55 broken and hurting homeless men on any given day. We are deeply grateful for…

  • From the Director ~ September 2020

    Dear Friend of the Mission, Thank you. as we quickly move toward the end of our fiscal year on September 30th, the most important thing I can say is thank you. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for – Above all, for your prayers (no one has gotten sick at the Mission from COVID-19!). For…

  • From the Director ~ July 2020

    Dear Friend of the Mission, We have an amazing and dedicated staff here at the Whosoever Gospel Mission. Every day without fail our staff members show up at the Mission ready to serve the Lord by serving our men. Each staff member shows up with dedication, enthusiasm and joy for the work that the…

  • From the Director ~ June 2020

    Dear Friend of the Mission, Because of your kind and generous support, our ministry to homeless men is going strong in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to operate at our 55-bed capacity, we continue to serve three delicious and nutritious meals a day, our Overcomers drug and alcohol meetings are held…

  • A Word from Jeff Foxworthy

    The Whosoever Gospel Mission is a member of Citygate Network. Any donation you make to the Mission will help us care for men experiencing homelessness as together we weather the Coronavirus pandemic.

  • Thanks for the masks!

    So many of you responded to our need for reusable masks that we now have an ample supply! Thank you!

  • Thank you!

    To everyone who has given so generously to help keep us going as a safe haven for homeless men with nowhere else to turn during this pandemic, we say thank you! Please know that while your financial donation receipts and thank you letters are delayed because of a staff shortages and the extra challenges…

  • From the Director ~ How you can help during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Pray.  Please pray for our residents and staff.  Please pray that the Lord will place a hedge of protection around the Mission and keep the coronavirus out of the Mission.  Please pray for the health and safety of our residents, staff and their families.  We had to lay off 6 staff members (almost 1/3…

  • Donate Now ~ Help Us Help the Homeless

    During this COVID-19 outbreak, our shelter for men experiencing homelessness remains open. Please consider donating to help us at this crucial time while we provide services to men who truly have no place else to go. This is home.