Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

Mission Updates

  • Christmas Toy Giveaway 2022

    This Christmas, we were privileged to help dads and granddads provide amazing gifts to their kids and grandkids for Christmas. The toys are gifts from the dads, not from us. It’s a way for men to bless their kids and strengthen their relationships. At the end of the day, the Lord blessed us to…

  • From the Director ~ Christmas 2022

    Dear Friends, It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here. We’ve been enjoying some festive decorations, all kinds of holiday treats, and special chapel services filled with Christmas music and carol singing. Soon we’ll have our toy giveaway where men will select and wrap over a thousand gifts for their kids and…

  • From the Director ~ Thanksgiving 2022

    Dear Friends, Happy Thanksgiving! Here at the Mission, we have so much to thank God for – prayers answered, needs met, relationships restored, staff that were supplied at just the right time…I could go on. We’ve seen God provide what we needed before we even knew there was a need! Each instance is a…

  • Summer Highlights

    We received a special grant to buy planters and flowers to beautify the Mission’s front entrance. This is where New Life Program residents hang out to get fresh air. It’s also where men coming in off of the street enter the building to begin their journey in the New Life Program. As one resident…

  • From the Director ~ September 2022

    Dear friends As we approach the end of our fiscal year September 30th, we have much to thank God for! It’s been a BIG year for us. We’ve definitely experienced huge change (and all the normal aches and pains that go along with such change). At the same time, we’ve thankfully enjoyed ongoing stability…

  • From the Director ~ July/August 2022

    Dear Friends, Greetings from Germantown where the Lord continues to do great things! Sometimes those things are big and loud. Other times they’re quiet and subtle. But we rejoice in them all. We celebrated with two New Life Program graduates who just moved into their own places this past month. Another gentleman was invited…

  • Urgent Need Met! Walk-In Refrigerator

    UPDATE: Thank you to all who helped us reach our goal! Our 14-year-old large walk-in refrigerator needs to be replaced as soon as possible. The whole project will cost us $17,950. Friends just committed $10,000 to replace the fridge. We’re looking to raise the remaining $7,950. We serve about 165 meals each day to…

  • From the Director ~ June 2022

    Dear friends, With summer upon us, we’re grateful for good air conditioning in our main building. We had our system switched over from heat to air just one day before that 90+ degree weekend hit us in May. The relief is worth the increased electric bill – especially for several of our residents with…

  • From the Director ~ May 2022

    Dear Friends, Blessings to you and yours! As I think about the “yours” of that last phrase, I think about family – both family by blood and family by love. Sometimes, in the brokenness of this world, families drift apart. Addiction, homelessness, and incarceration, among other challenges, have a way of driving families apart…

  • From the Director ~ April 2022

    Dear friends, So much has been happening around the Mission, I hardly know where to begin! First of all, I want to start with a great big THANK YOU. Since Bob Emberger shared the news of our leadership transition, we have not ceased to be encouraged! As you may have heard, March 1st of this…