Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

A Christmas Thank You Note

New Life Program resident Michael shares this thank you note with our Mission family and friends for all of the wonderful gifts we received this Christmas!

Dear Friends,

We here at the Whosoever Gospel Mission are still overwhelmed with gratitude for how blessed our Christmas was. With everything we have faced all year long, it felt amazing to be acknowledged and appreciated. Because of you, we were able to put smiles on our little ones’ faces. And there were even gifts for us!

We can’t stop thinking about how the Mission presented us with these wonderful gifts. We were spoiled. The setup was beautiful, and our whole day was festive. There was a beautiful layout of food along with the gifts. We will never forget this.

You all reminded us that we matter in not only God’s eyes, but also in the eyes of others. To everyone who contributed to making our Christmas special, you gave us an extra push to continue on this path of victory, triumph and happiness. From the bottom of our joyous hearts, thank you!


Gifts for the Men of the New Life Program

Each resident received more than a dozen personal gifts on Christmas Eve. We even had extra gifts to give to the new men who continue to come in after the holiday.

Toys for Men’s Children

This year, 42 residents and grads selected and wrapped about 1,000 gifts for 163 of their children and grandchildren. Gifts included toys, puzzles, books, stocking stuffers, stuffed animals, hats, gloves, & scarves. Continue to pray that the Lord would bless our men and their children and families! We were also able to bless some other local children with gifts for a total of 329 kids!