Whosoever Gospel Mission

Sharing God's Love Since 1892

4 Ways You Can Help!

IMG_7468New Unwrapped Toys & Gifts

Each year, homeless dads living at the Mission give over a thousand gifts to hundreds of their kids & grandkids. For many men, lovingly selecting & wrapping each gift is a first step toward reconnecting with family.

Here’s how you can help:
Buy new, unwrapped toys & gifts for ages 0-18 (main gifts & stocking-stuffers).

Deadline: Wednesday, December 19th
Call Heather at 215 438 3094 ext 103 to arrange for drop-off or pick-up.

IMG_7635Food & Gift Cards

We feast well at the Mission (and not just at Thanksgiving)! As relatives and friends of residents and staff join together as one family around warmly decorated tables on Thanksgiving Day, we enjoy amazing food, hearty laughter, sweet fellowship, and a shared sense of gratitude to the Lord.

Here’s how you can help:
Donate non-perishable food (canned goods, coffee, tea, etc.). Gift cards to supermarkets are also great for perishable items (especially Aldi and Walmart).

Call Heather at 215 438 3094 ext 103 to arrange for drop-off or pick-up.

AmazonSmile & PayPal Giving Fund

AmazonSmile: Donate at NO EXTRA COST to you! Make your online Amazon purchases through AmazonSmile & designate the Whosoever Gospel Mission as your charity of choice – you’ll pay the same price but a percentage of your purchase will be donated to us! To register, go to: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-1352579

PayPal Giving Fund: Search “Donate with Paypal Giving Fund” or go to PayPal Giving Fund’s website: https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/70047. We get the FULL value of your donation – PayPal doesn’t charge us any fees.

IMG_7796Gifts or Gift Bags for 55 Homeless Men

Homeless men are typically isolated from friends & family, and often, they don’t receive any gifts at the holidays. For many of our men, the gifts they receive at the Mission are the only Christmas presents they’ll get.

Here’s how you can help: Make gift bags for the men. Fill them with things like snacks, pocket calendars, pens, socks, or personal care items like tissues, lip balm, lotion, etc. (please don’t put soap in the same bag as food). Be creative!

Deadline: Friday, December 21st
Call Heather at 215 438 3094 ext 103 to arrange for drop-off or pick-up.